Direct-attach Variable In-line Filter Holder

As part of the wide range of direct-attach accessories, Avantes offers the FH-DA series of filter holders. They can hold 0.5 inch filters with thicknesses of 1 to 8 mm. The filter holders are equipped with a quartz collimating lens for the UV/VIS/NIR range. Avantes offers a wide range of round 12 mm filters.

The FH-DA is available in two versions: the FH-DA for the Avalight-XE, AvaLight-DHc and AvaLight-LED. The FH-DA-HAL-Mini is designed to work seamlessly with the AvaLight-HAL-Mini.

Wavelength range 200-2500 nm
Filter Dimensions Round, 13 mm diameter, 1-8 mm thick
Fiber connection SMA-905 connectors
Light source  AvaLight-DHc/XE/LED AvaLight-HAL-Mini
Light source mounting SMA-905 thread UNS thread (remove COL-UV/VIS)
Material Black anodized aluminum
Dimensions 44.5 x round 20 mm 37 x 40 x 41 mm


GL-WG305-12 Separate 12 x 3 mm long-pass filter > 305 nm
GL-KG3-12 Separate 12 x 3 mm bandpass filter, transparent > 325 nm and < 700 nm
GL-BG28-12 Separate 12 x 3 mm bandpass filter, transparent > 360 nm and < 500 nm
GL-GG385-12 Separate 12 x 3 mm long-pass filter > 385 nm
GL-GG475-12 Separate 12 x 3 mm long-pass filter > 475 nm
GL-OG515-12 Separate 12 x 3 mm long-pass filter > 515 nm
GL-OG550-12 Separate 12 x 3 mm long-pass filter > 550 nm
GL-NG9-1-12 Separate 12 x 1 mm Neutral Density filter, (transmission ca. 10%, 400-1100 nm)
GL-NG9-2-12 Separate 12 x 2 mm Neutral Density filter, (transmission ca. 1%, 400-1100 nm)
GL-NG9-3-12 Separate 12 x 3 mm Neutral Density filter, (transmission ca. 0.1%, 400-1100 nm)

FH-DA Direct-attach Filter Holder for 12 mm diameter filters, 1-8 mm thick, incl. one UV/VIS collimating lens
FH-DA-HAL-Mini As FH-DA, meant for the AvaLight-HAL light source.